I haven't sail since a long time because of a sprain.
My last (second) navigation on foil the 2013.07.12 was amazing.
The wind was more stable than eve. I had fully foiling without touch water during all the starboard side.
I still have difficulties to control the angle of list. So I should have lot of training and acquire new reflexes.
To learn faster, I have made new foil wich are in theory more stable but they don't respect A-cat rules.
The concept of these new foils is based on the AC72. Unfortunately, I should insert the foil by the bottom, which isn't accepted by A-cat rules.
Coincidence, British association just announce that they want an international vote to change A-cat rules. With their proposals rules change, my new foil are in A-class rules
I take my boat to La Baule at the end of the month to compare my flying boat with other A-cat.
I've done towed tests of my new foils.
The flight is stabilized, I could fly 1min 50 without falling!
The boat behavior is really great. I didn't need to adjust the incidence of my rudders for stable flight.
My two front foils are quite different. The starboard lifts more but it has more problem with ventilation.My port foil has very little ventilation. (Only when I had a big algae.)
Although the drift force created by the sail will accentuate ventilation, I am very optimistic about the boat behavior on starboard tack.
Waiting for a weekend windy enough to fly under sail ...
The day after my contest, back to business. Other projects of A-class ( DNA and Paradox ) are also beginning to fly, that's motivates me to finish mine foils as soon as possible.
For now I get to take off with a single foil in less wind than the DNA and the Paradox who already have their four foils, but my flight seems less stable.
I am trying to build my 3 foils missing: rudders with foils and my starboard foil.
After a busy week and a half, there are only a few finishes. The first tests are planned for this weekend. Unfortunately the wind might miss the appointment.
I received rudder foil of moth built by Henry Grateau, a big thank to him, it is a huge time saver and it allows me to start on a good foundation in the shape of the profile.
My last video change my initial planning. After some analysis of my jump, it would seem that when the four new foils will built, I could fly at speeds achievable in a conventional regatta while remaining in the A-cat rules.
I will probably try to make immediatly my 4 foils within A-cat rules.
I started to use Catia to try to refine my empirical predictions. I'll have to wait to be in engineering school to work seriously with the digital simulation.